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Comparing Trading Bot performance with the 'Daily Realized PnL per $1k' Metric

· 15 min read

For everyone using a trading bot, the ability to optimize strategies and fine-tune their trading approach is crucial. One of the metrics that can help with this is Daily Realized PnL per $1k. If you've checked out the 'Compare Pairs' table on the main dashboard on one of the latest Gunbot alpha builds, you've probably noticed this new metric already. But what does it mean, and why is it useful?

Trading metrics header image

In this post, we'll explore how this metric works, why it's useful for comparing different trading pairs and strategies, and how you can leverage it for better trading decisions. Let’s keep it real and dive straight into the math that makes this metric interesting.

What is "Daily Realized PnL per $1k"?

Daily Realized PnL per $1k tells you how much profit or loss you're making each day for every $1,000 of capital invested in a specific trading strategy or pair. Unlike abstract metrics like percentages or cumulative profit and loss, this value gives you a tangible dollar value that makes comparing different pairs and strategies much easier.

The goal here is to provide a standardized view of your trading performance. By converting performance into a common measure based on a $1,000 capital base, this metric allows traders to get a clear, apples-to-apples comparison between different pairs and strategies, helping you understand what's really working and what isn't.

Breaking Down the Metric

Let’s break this down step-by-step:

  • Daily Realized PnL: The profit or loss made on trades that have already been closed, calculated daily. The "realized" part means that it only includes the profit or loss from trades that are completed, not the potential value from open trades. This gives you a realistic snapshot of your trading performance based on actual outcomes.
  • Per $1,000: This means we normalize the results to represent the profit or loss for every $1,000 invested. This normalization allows for easy comparisons, even if different trading strategies have varying capital allocations or operate with different base amounts. It’s an effective way to get to the core of how well your capital is working for you.

With Daily Realized PnL per $1k, you get a value that can be easily compared across different trading strategies, irrespective of the initial investment amount or market volatility. This makes it a handy metric for evaluating efficiency and performance without getting bogged down by the complexities of various capital inputs.

How is This Metric Calculated?

The calculation is based on multiple formulas that standardize the performance:

  • Average Capital Utilized:

    Average Capital Utilized = Total Weighted Capital Utilized / Total Duration

  • Effective Capital Utilized:

    Effective Capital Utilized = (Average Capital Utilized + Maximum Capital Utilized) / 2

  • Total Duration in Days:

    Total Duration in Days = Total Duration from first to last trade. This value is capped to use full days only, no fractional values are used.

  • Adjusted Daily Net Profit:

    Adjusted Daily Net Profit = Total Net Profit / Total Duration in Days

  • Adjusted Daily Net Profit per $1,000:

    Daily Realized PnL per $1k = (Adjusted Daily Net Profit / Effective Capital Utilized) * 1000


  • Total Weighted Capital Utilized: The cumulative amount of capital utilized during trading, weighted by the time it was held.
  • Total Duration: The total time period of trading activities, in days.
  • Daily Net Profit: The sum of profits from closed trades over the day. This value only includes realized gains and losses, providing an accurate picture of true profitability.
  • Effective Capital Utilized: This represents the average amount of capital actively used during trading and takes into account both the average and maximum capital that was utilized throughout the trading period. By using this figure, we account for capital fluctuations and provide a balanced view of efficiency.

This set of formulas allows you to get a consistent dollar value for your performance, making it easy to compare the efficiency of different trading strategies, even if the actual capital involved varies.

Example Calculation

Let’s walk through a quick example to make it clearer. Suppose your Daily Net Profit from closed trades is $50, and during the day, your Effective Capital Utilized is $5,000. Plugging in these numbers:

Daily Realized PnL per $1k = (50 / 5000) * 1000 = 10

This means you’re making $10 per $1,000 of capital used, per day. This straightforward calculation makes it easy to see how well your strategy is performing, without dealing with abstract percentages or complex ratios.

Why is This Metric Useful for Traders?

1. Standardization Across Strategies

If you're trading multiple pairs or running different strategies, they can have widely varying performance metrics. For instance, trading a highly volatile pair like BTC/USDT might yield different returns compared to a less volatile pair like LTC/USDT. But the question is—how can you compare them effectively?

That’s where Daily Realized PnL per $1k becomes useful. It standardizes performance into a common unit that is relatable. Instead of comparing abstract performance percentages, you can see how much profit or loss each strategy would have generated if you had invested $1,000. This standardization is vital when you want to choose the best-performing pair or strategy without being confused by differences in investment amounts, risk profiles, or market volatility.

2. Realistic Money Value

Many traders find it hard to wrap their heads around percentages or highly abstract metrics - they don’t always feel real. However, when you see a value like “$8 per day per $1,000,” it’s a lot more intuitive. It lets you understand the performance of a strategy in a practical, tangible way. You can immediately gauge how well a strategy might scale with more capital or whether it’s underperforming compared to others.

For example, if Strategy A yields $15/day per $1k and Strategy B yields $8/day per $1k, it’s easy to see which one is more efficient in generating profits. This helps make faster decisions when adjusting your trading approach.

3. Capital Efficiency Analysis

One key insight offered by this metric is understanding how effectively your capital is being used. The function that calculates Daily Realized PnL per $1k takes into account both the average capital utilized and the maximum capital utilized throughout your trading period. This means that it’s not just about how much profit you’ve made, but also about how efficiently you used the available capital to make that profit.

For example, if you’re utilizing $10,000 but only making a small profit each day, your Daily Realized PnL per $1k will reflect that inefficiency. On the other hand, if you’re making high returns on smaller capital allocations, this metric will highlight that strength.

This efficiency measure is crucial when you’re balancing your risk-reward ratio. For instance, if you find that Strategy C has a high daily PnL per $1k but consistently ties up a significant amount of capital, you may want to reconsider if it's the best use of your funds or if other strategies could offer better capital efficiency. It helps you decide whether reallocating your capital might yield better results overall.

Practical Example: Comparing Strategies

Let’s walk through an example. Imagine you’re comparing two trading strategies:

  • Strategy A:

    • Average capital utilized: $5,000
    • Daily net profit: $50
  • Strategy B:

    • Average capital utilized: $2,000
    • Daily net profit: $25

Without standardization, it looks like Strategy A is more profitable. But let's use Daily Realized PnL per $1k to really see the difference:

  • Strategy A: (50 / 5000) * 1000 = 10 per day per $1k
  • Strategy B: (25 / 2000) * 1000 = 12.50 per day per $1k

In this case, Strategy B is more efficient at generating profit relative to the capital invested, despite having a lower absolute profit. By using this metric, you can immediately see which strategy is giving you better returns on a per-$1,000 basis — helping you make better decisions on where to allocate your funds.

Another scenario might involve different timeframes or trading styles, such as swing trading versus day trading. This metric is still valuable for comparing these differing styles on a level playing field. For example, even if a swing trade takes longer, you can normalize the profit generated to see how it measures up against quicker, higher-frequency trades in terms of profitability per $1,000 of capital utilized.

Where to Find "Daily Realized PnL per $1k" in Gunbot

You can find the Daily Realized PnL per $1k metric in the 'Compare Pairs' table on the main dashboard of the Gunbot interface. This table is a powerful tool for evaluating how your different trading pairs are performing in real time.

When you look at the 'Compare Pairs' table, you’ll see a breakdown of all your active pairs along with various performance indicators. The Daily Realized PnL / $1k column provides that tangible dollar-value perspective, allowing you to see which pairs are most effectively generating profits relative to their allocated capital. It takes away the guesswork and lets you make evidence-based decisions that are rooted in actual performance metrics.

How to Use This Metric for Better Decision-Making

  • Identify Strong Performers: Use Daily Realized PnL per $1k to highlight which trading pairs or strategies are making the most profit on a standardized capital basis. This makes it easy to spot which strategies are outperforming the rest.
  • Reallocate Capital: Consider shifting your capital towards strategies that show consistently high Daily Realized PnL per $1k. This helps ensure that your money is always working as efficiently as possible. Reallocating to strong performers means maximizing your portfolio's potential.
  • Track Over Time: Pay attention to how the Daily Realized PnL per $1k changes over time. Sudden drops might indicate a strategy that needs attention or adjustments. It also provides a way to evaluate changes you make to a strategy and their impact over time.

For instance, if you notice that your Daily Realized PnL per $1k has been decreasing for a particular trading pair, this could indicate a shift in market conditions, inefficiency in your current approach, or the need to reconfigure your trading settings. By tracking these changes, you gain insights that help you adapt and stay ahead.

Common Challenges with Traditional Trading Metrics

If you've spent any time trading or exploring crypto trading bots, you know that the metrics people use to measure success aren’t always as straightforward as they seem. We’ve got staples like Return on Investment (ROI), Sharpe Ratio, Max Drawdown, Win Rate, and Profit Factor. Sure, they provide insight, but they can also be pretty confusing. Often, these metrics don’t tell the whole story, and if you're not careful, you might end up making decisions based on half the picture. Let’s break down some of these metrics and see why the Daily Realized PnL per $1k might be a more user-friendly option.

1. Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Time Frame Confusion: ROI gives you a percentage return, but it doesn’t tell you over what period that return happened. So, if you see a 10% ROI, was that from a single month or a whole year? Without a timeline, it’s hard to gauge how fast or slow things are really moving.
  • Capital Efficiency Ambiguity: ROI doesn’t say much about how well the capital was used during that time. For example, did the strategy tie up a ton of capital for a small return? When using crypto trading bots, this could mean missing out on more efficient opportunities.


Imagine Trader A and Trader B both report a 15% ROI. Trader A achieved this in six months, while Trader B took two years. On the surface, they look the same, but with the time frame in mind, Trader A is clearly more efficient. It’s these kinds of details that get lost with ROI.

2. Sharpe Ratio

  • Complex Calculations: The Sharpe Ratio gets a bit math-heavy, and for most of us, understanding the deeper statistical stuff isn’t exactly easy. Especially if you're juggling multiple automated trading strategies, it can get overwhelming.
  • Volatility Misinterpretation: A lower Sharpe Ratio might make you think a strategy’s risky, even if it’s actually right in line with your own risk tolerance. This number alone doesn’t really tell the whole story.


Say you’re comparing two strategies with Sharpe Ratios of 1.2 and 0.8. It seems like 1.2 is better, but without knowing the details, like what kind of volatility you’re looking at, it’s hard to decide which is actually the right fit for you.

3. Max Drawdown

  • Overemphasis on Worst Cases: Max Drawdown tells you the worst loss from a peak, which can be intimidating. Sometimes, it’s just a blip on the radar, but this number can scare traders away from potentially solid strategies.
  • Lack of Frequency Insight: Max Drawdown doesn’t tell you how often these big drops happen. So, a strategy could have one bad moment or it could have them all the time, but you won’t know from this number alone.


Take a strategy with a max drawdown of 20%. That sounds risky, right? But what if this drawdown happened only once in five years and the strategy recovered quickly? You might miss out on a strong performer if you just look at this metric without more context.

4. Win Rate

  • False Sense of Security: High win rates can be deceiving. Just because a strategy wins often doesn’t mean it’s profitable. Big losses can easily wipe out those small wins.
  • Neglecting Profit-Loss Ratio: The size of wins versus losses matters, but win rate alone doesn’t give you that context. You could have a high win rate but still end up losing money if your losses are big enough.


A strategy with a 70% win rate might sound like a dream, but if the average loss is three times the average win, you’re in trouble. It’s easy to focus on the win rate and forget about the bigger picture.

5. Profit Factor

  • Abstract Ratio: Profit Factor is the ratio of gross profits to gross losses. For people wanting concrete answers, this can feel a bit too abstract and not immediately useful.
  • Impact of Outliers: Sometimes, one big win or loss can skew this number. Without understanding what’s behind it, users might get the wrong impression of how stable a strategy is.


A Profit Factor of 1.5 suggests profitability, but if it’s based on just one big win, it might not reflect the strategy’s typical performance. It’s these outliers that can really distort things.

Why "Daily Realized PnL per $1k" Is Easier to Work With

It’s more down-to-earth, and provides comparable data after a relatively short time of running a strategy. Do note that results get more realistic once a trading pair has seen some serious moves downwards, and significant capital got invested - because this allows the metric to factor in a more realistic use of capital.

  1. Straightforward Measurement:

    • It’s in dollars, per $1,000 invested daily. Simple. You know exactly how much you’re making or losing each day, without any complicated math.
  2. Time Frame Clarity:

    • By reporting daily, there’s no guessing about the time frame. You can see how fast the strategy’s moving and get a real sense of its performance.
  3. Capital Efficiency Visibility:

    • This metric standardizes performance per $1,000, so you can compare strategies without worrying about the total capital involved. It makes things more apples-to-apples.
  4. Focus on Realized Gains:

    • Only closed trades are considered, so you’re looking at actual profits or losses. This avoids the ups and downs of unrealized positions, giving you a clear picture.


The Daily Realized PnL per $1k metric is a powerful way to make sense of your trading bot results, especially when you are working with multiple pairs and strategies. By converting abstract performance into a concrete dollar value, it makes comparisons much clearer, helps identify more efficient strategies, and ultimately allows you to make smarter trading decisions.

It also helps you keep an eye on capital efficiency — ensuring that you aren’t just making profits, but making them with the least amount of capital tied up. It’s about maximizing returns while keeping your capital working effectively.

Next time you’re in the Gunbot dashboard, take a closer look at the 'Compare Pairs' table. Use the Daily Realized PnL / $1k column to optimize your strategies and make sure you’re getting the best possible returns from your capital. Whether you’re a new trader or an experienced one, using this metric gives you a clear edge in making informed decisions.