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How Does Gunbot Handle Downtime or Maintenance on Exchanges?

· 2 min read

When trading cryptocurrencies, it's not uncommon to experience downtime or maintenance periods on exchanges. These interruptions can disrupt trading activities, potentially leading to missed opportunities or failed orders. To safeguard your trading strategies during such times, it's crucial to use tools that can handle these disruptions seamlessly. This article delves into how Gunbot, a popular trading bot, ensures your trading activities remain safe and continuous, even when exchanges go offline.

Gunbot's Measures During Downtime

When an exchange goes down, Gunbot will simply try to reconnect and resume trading. Repeatedly.

User Control and Flexibility

While Gunbot efficiently manages most aspects of downtime on its own, it also provides users with options to take control:

  • Manual Intervention: Traders can manually pause or modify their trading strategies during periods of downtime. This allows for a customized approach, particularly useful for traders who prefer to have direct control over their activities.
  • Strategy Adjustments: Gunbot allows for the adjustment of strategy settings in anticipation of the exchange resuming operations. This feature enables traders to optimize their strategies, ensuring they are ready to capitalize on the market as soon as it reopens.

Seamless Resumption of Trading Activities

Once the exchange is back online, Gunbot doesn’t just resume where it left off; it ensures a smooth transition back to active trading:

  • Automatic Reconnection: Gunbot automatically reconnects to the exchange, ensuring that your trading bot is back in action without any delay.
  • Resumption of Trading Strategies: The bot resumes trading activities based on the predefined strategies and any adjustments you made during the downtime. This seamless transition ensures that your trading operations continue with minimal disruption.