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Creating a Kraken API Key for Your Crypto Trading Bot

This guide walks you through creating an API key on Kraken for automated trading. Follow these steps to ensure secure and efficient bot operation on your account.

Step-by-Step Guide​

  1. Log into Kraken: Access your Kraken account and verify that two-factor authentication (2FA) is properly configured.

  2. Access API Settings: Navigate through:

    • Open Security settings
    • Select API section This is where you'll manage all API connections.
  3. Initiate API Key Creation: Select 'New API Key' to begin generating your bot's secure access credentials.

  4. Configure Your API Key: Set up these essential components:

    • Name: Create a clear, descriptive label
    • Permissions: Enable these key functions:
      • Query Funds (balance checking)
      • Query Orders & Trades (history access)
      • Modify Orders (trading capability) Keep permissions minimal for optimal security.
  5. Set Custom Nonce Window: Important configuration:

    • Set to a large value (e.g., 888888888)
    • Prevents nonce-related API issues
    • Ensures smooth bot operation This step is crucial for reliable API communication.
  6. Finalize API Key Setup: Complete these steps:

    • Review all permissions
    • Verify nonce settings
    • Save configuration
    • Store API and secret keys securely Double-check all settings before saving.

Kraken API key creation page with permission settings and security options

Access your API settings directly through Kraken API Management.

A properly configured API key ensures reliable automated trading operations. Regular reviews of your API settings help maintain account security. Remember to never share your API credentials and always use secure channels when setting up your trading bot.

Ready to Start Automated Trading on Kraken?​

Transform your trading approach with automated strategies designed for Kraken. Explore our Kraken Trading Bot features for optimal performance.