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Headless Mode


In this article, we focus on the power users of Gunbot who prefer running the bot without the GUI. It's a concise guide to working with the config file, touching upon key aspects without delving into exhaustive detail. For a comprehensive understanding of all settings, please refer to other sections of our docs. We recommend initially configuring Gunbot using the GUI for ease, and then, if desired, transitioning to a headless setup.

Introduction to the Config File System

Gunbot operates with a central configuration file, config.js, which is the heart of your trading setup. Here, you'll input your exchange API keys, define trading pairs, and set up your strategies. For a jumpstart, consult the config-js-example.txt in your Gunbot package, illustrating a well-structured config file.

Remember, Gunbot dynamically adapts to changes in config.js even while running. However, be cautious with your edits: maintain the JSON format and avoid removing essential parameters. If you're ever in doubt, validate your config file at or similar JSON validators. Note: Updating registered API keys is the sole task that necessitates the GUI.

Disabling the GUI

If you decide to go headless, adjust the GUI settings in config.js as follows:

"GUI": {
"enabled": false,

Exchange Integration

Linking Gunbot to your chosen exchange is straightforward. In config.js, add your exchange details under the exchange section. Example for Binance:

"binance": {
"masterkey": "your_registered_api_key",
"mastersecret": "your_api_secret",
... // Additional settings

Use different keys for registration and trading if needed. The masterkey and mastersecret are for your registered API key, while key and secret are for trading.

Setting Up Strategies

Define a unique strategy by naming it and adding it to the strategies section of config.js. Assign this strategy to your trading pairs as needed. For instance:

"myStrategy": {
"BUY_METHOD": "gain",
"SELL_METHOD": "gain",
... // Other strategy settings

Pair Settings and Overrides

Each trading pair, along with its assigned strategy and an optional override, is defined under the pairs section for its respective exchange. For example:

"binance": {
"BTC-ETH": {
"strategy": "myStrategy",
"enabled": true,
"override": {
... // Additional pairs

Overrides allow you to tweak strategy parameters on a per-pair basis.