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Creating a Bitmex API Key

This guide walks you through creating an API key on Bitmex for automated trading. Follow these steps to ensure secure and efficient bot operation on your account.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log into Bitmex: Access your Bitmex account and verify that two-factor authentication (2FA) is properly configured.

  2. Navigate to API Keys: Find the 'API Keys' section in your account settings. This is where you'll manage all your API connections.

  3. Create New API Key: Select 'Create New API Key' to begin the setup process. Your new key will serve as your bot's secure access point to Bitmex.

  4. Name Your API Key: Set a clear, descriptive name that helps identify the key's purpose:

    • Include the trading type (e.g., "Spot-Bot")
    • Add any specific strategy identifiers Good naming helps manage multiple API keys effectively.
  5. Configure API Key Permissions: Enable these essential permissions:

    • Order management
    • Position access
    • Funding information Keep permissions minimal for optimal security.
  6. Finalize API Key Setup: Complete the setup process:

    • Review all settings
    • Verify permissions
    • Complete any required 2FA steps Save your API credentials securely.
  7. Secure Your API Key: Implement these security measures:

    • Enable IP whitelisting
    • Add your bot's IP address
    • Set trading limits if available These steps help prevent unauthorized access.

BitMEX API key creation interface with trading permissions and security settings

Access your API settings directly through Bitmex API Management.

A well-configured API key is essential for secure automated trading. Regular security audits of your API keys help maintain account safety. Remember to never share your API credentials and always use secure channels when setting up your trading bot.

Ready to Start Automated Trading on BitMEX?

Transform your trading approach with automated strategies designed for BitMEX. Explore our specialized BitMEX Trading Bot features for optimal performance.